Advanced Style in New York City
Last week I visited New York. And believe it or not, on my second day in this huge city I ran into Debra Rapoport!
The woman I wanted to meet and photograph só badly and there she was!
Debra is a very kind woman, immediately willing to pose and interested in my work.
She is one of the six women being featured in the film Advanced Style by Ari Seth Cohen.
Debra is not only famous in the USA, together with Ari last year she visited Amsterdam to promote
the film and she gave a lecture at TedX.
Recently they travelled to Japan.
Debra is very creative and studied Textile Design.
“I have dressed up and played with clothes and textiles since I am three.
It was encouraged and allowed…this gave me and my sister
the chance to explore and experiment through play.”
She makes her own hats and she has tips for women to do the same:
“Be bold but start slowly. Many women don’t feel comfortable in a hat or they
think they don’t look good in one.
Like anything new, play and experiment. At home put all kinds of things on your head
to deviate from what you think a hat needs to look like.
When trying on a hat always wear some makeup…at least lipstick because you will feel more dressed
and experience the hat as a new adventure. You will see your entire face and persona
in a different way. It just might be scary at first…but go for it.
Discover who you really are!! Really!! This is the same approach to one’s overall style. Nothing is permanent so you can’t fall too far.”
Een heerlijk en creatief mens. Ook zo iemand om blij van te worden.
Ja en ook zo energiek! Wat een geluk dat ik haar tegenkwam in die metropool!