Book launch Eye for Style in a bookstore in Haarlem
Wednesday, October 23, 2019! After months of hard work, my book Eye for Style rolled off the press. To celebrate publishing house Unieboek | Het Spectrum organized a party in collaboration with Bookstore De Vries Van Stockum. Coincidentally, when I came to live in Haarlem years ago, I worked as a bookseller in this beautiful and respected bookshop. Therefore for me a special place to celebrate the launch of my book Eye for Style. It is one of the nicer book stores in the Netherlands; a large, old building with different spaces that blend into each other. For the party, we used the spacious ‘inner garden’. Whenever you are in Haarlem please take a look inside this store!
From far and wide
All the people I photographed and / or interviewed for the book were invited for the launch. And there are many. They came to Haarlem from far and wide. From Antwerp (Belgium), Limburg, Groningen and everywhere in between. I feel honored that so many people had taken the trouble to make such a trip to come to Haarlem. Publisher Antje Bosscher of Unieboek | Het Spectrum invited me more than a year ago to make a book about style. Her speech was wonderful and glowing, so it was from the manager of the bookstore: Daan van der Valk. The two other employees of Unieboek: editor Marjan Jordan and marketing manager Melissa van der Wagt, with whom I have worked intensively lately came to Haarlem as well. And of course Joyce Zethof, who beautifully designed the book.
In addition, family, friends, acquaintances and former colleagues of De Vries. Store manager Daan van der Valk (bottom right in the photo) was also pleasantly surprised by the high turnout. And was also impressed by the great outfits of all guests. He welcomed everyone warmly. Then the microphone was for publisher Antje Bosscher. Because I interviewed both women and men for the book, I really wanted to give two people the first copy. To Lucy Bosscher, she is one of my first followers. After our first meeting – years ago on the street in The Hague – we always kept in touch. Over the years Lucy has always supported and encouraged me to keep going.
Of course I also really wanted to hand a copy to a man. For that, I invited one of the best-dressed men in the Netherlands: Arno Kantelberg. Editor-in-chief of Esquire and National Geographic. Columnist for Volkskrant Magazine, writer of ‘Man at his best’, which was published a few years ago. His book “The style of the writer”, about writers and their clothing, was recently published. I am proud that he came to Haarlem for this launch party. Arno began his speech by saying that he felt somewhat ‘underdressed’ in this well-dressed company.
Fashion journalist from the NRC Milou van Rossum has written the preface for Eye for Style. Unfortunately she couldn’t join the party. I feel very honored with her contribution to my book and was impressed by the last sentence: “Vanity is, very often, zest for life. Let’s hope we can all suffer from it for a long time.” Thank you so much, Milou! The guests of this party have at least enough zest for life!
Because I was not been able to invite all my followers, and still want to give them an impression of the party, I made this blogpost with a lot of photos. The photos have been taken by different guests, so thanks to anyone, great that I can use them.
Clothing is a form of communication, that was clearly proven this afternoon. It was special to see that everyone got into a conversation with each other quickly. Of course, people also recognized each other through earlier photos published on my blog. Mr. B. rightly called it “a reunion of people who don’t know each other.” I think the photos proves that:
For me and my family, it was a day to remember! Thank you to all the people who contributed to this.
Have you become curious about the book- which I hope so of course- the book is now for sale. In the Netherlands at all bookstores (at least to order) and in Belgium at Standaard Bookstores. If you want a signed copy, it can be ordered online (delivering outside Europe as well) at:
Boekhandel De Vries Van Stockum.
Oogvoor Stijl
Unieboek | Het Spectrum
ISBN 978 90 00 36899 0
€ 24,99
Also to order via
Ik ga het boek bestellen. Je site is zo leuk om te lezen en zo inspirerend! Bedankt daarvoor.
Wat geweldig Maria, dank voor je compliment en ik hoop dat het boek je veel inspiratie geeft!
Dear Misja!
Congratulations to your book! I would like order it, in English, if possible.
My name is Ildi Czok, I am a jewellery designer from Budapest, and I am very much interested in stylish dressing for 50 plus people.