Elegant Jacqueline Hoiting (1946) lives in Groningen. She worked as a psychotherapist till last month. Jacqueline: “The ultimate feeling of freedom after my working life is for me to be able to walk all day barefoot, without makeup in a silk slip through the...
My mother’s coat Lenny Moeskops (1940) lives in Amsterdam. She recently starred in SWAG, a show from splashy women between 30 and 80, sharing their personal stories about fashion and beauty ideals. Lenny told a story about her mother and the coat she would never...
Henny Waalwijk (1948) lives in Antwerp. She was born in Rotterdam and lived together with her husband for many years in different places in the world. According to Henny, Antwerp is the most attractive city of Europe to live in. Style Henny: “My mother was a...
Mostly when I walk through the Haarlemmerstraat in Amsterdam, I visit Sukha. Because there is always a special text or saying painted on the shop window. They sell beautiful, honest made stuff and clothes, showcased in a very attractive way. Therefore I usually take...
Erica Pach, is image consultant, she runs her own business Be-your-best. Shw was born in Hongkong (1951) nowadays she lives in Zaandam (the Netherlands). Erica: “My career as a secretary and communications advisor stopped a decade ago (necessity). I decided to...
Movie For a movie about makeup for Your Personal Shopper TV, I recently met top makeup artist Marion Willemsen. Marion has been working as a professional makeup artist for a long time (19 years). She works for Stage Entertainment and so she has given already a lot of...