Fashionista en familie mens Gemma Bax (1947) is geboren in Nederland en woont al jaren in Antwerpen. Ze heeft drie zoons en inmiddels ook kleinkinderen. Gemma: “Ik ben geen feestganger of clubmens. Ik ga ‘s avonds graag vroeg naar bed om nog wat klassieke...
My style If I have to describe my style I would say it is minimalistic, but not to the extreme. Contemporary with a touch of classic. I love special details and beautiful materials, quality is important. I want to wear my clothes more than one season. This jacket by...
Louise with her classic ‘Grace Kelly’ hair. I’m a little bit of jealous! Another post about ladies (and men) with gorgeous gray hair you’ll find here and here. The blog post ‘Don’t be afraid of gray’ you’ll find here...