Classic with a twist
Erica Pach (1951) and Hein Vastenouw (1955). Erica is an imago coach and is part of the group Kleurrijk60plus. I have photographed her before, this time I will meet her with her partner Hein at Eye in Amsterdam for my column in Zin magazine. Erica has always been interested in clothing and styles. This was reinforced when she started working as an image advisor. When they met four years ago, Hein was pretty well dressed, but according to Erica something could still be improved. Hein: “Until that time I was not dressed so strikingly, although I often received compliments from female colleagues in particular. Since I got to know Erica, my interest has increased. And therefore also my pleasure in choosing slightly more outspoken clothing.”
Hein is my mannequin
They both like to travel a lot and make sure they leave with suitcases that are not too full, leaving room for new acquisitions. In every country and every city, they go looking for nice addresses where they can browse around. In this way, their wardrobe expands a hat from Paris, trousers from London, a jacket from Germany. At home, they quietly spend together a few hours devising new combinations for Hein. According to Hein Erica definitely has more eye for making exciting combinations.
Erica: “Hein is my mannequin and he likes it too! I have changed his clothing style. It is a beautiful journey for us together, we both love it very much. ”
Love for hats
Since Hein wears glasses, he has discovered that hats look good on him. He is happy with it, because, just like Erica, he loves hats. They bought this bowler hat together at House of Hats in Papestraat 24 in The Hague. It is a specialty store full of contemporary hats and caps, for men and women.
Hein: “The jacket that I am wearing (Van Gils) is actually quite classic, but I think that the combination with this shirt makes it hip. It would look very different if I made a combi with a plain white shirt. I buy mostly new, but lately more and more second-hand. The only bad thing in that area was a pair of trousers that I bought in London, that was a bridge too far for me in terms of design.”
Erica happens to wear everything new today. Erica: “I am not that focused on brands, I mainly buy something because it appeals to me.” She bought the jacket (Marina Rinaldi) in Cologne, the pants are from Mart Visser and the top from Cora Kemperman. The hat is from Paris and the shoes are from Jan Jansen.
Vintage in Londen
They recently visited London, a city where you will also find a fantastic and large selection of second-hand and vintage stores. This time they were in Brick Lane at Beyond Retro. This vintage store also has several addresses in London. But also in the Shoreditch district, you will find many such stores, such as Atika. On Sunday there is the famous Brick Lane market for enthusiasts.
In addition to the shops, which are also open on Sundays, there is a market with second-hand clothing and furniture, which is cheered up with performances by street (music) artists.
More vintage adresses you’ll fine here
And of course in my book Oog voor Stijl
Oogvoor Stijl
Unieboek | Het Spectrum
ISBN 978 90 00 36899 0
€ 24,99
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