“I’ve always been fond of anything theatrical…Mariël Ellens (1959): “At elementary school, I had been looking forward for six years to the farewell musical in the last grade….


“Students were supposed to make clothing and a decor for that play themselves.
I still don’t know the reason, but the moment my class was about to start on the musical,
the whole project was cancelled.
I think that’s why I became very interested in theater and theater sports (improvisation)
And in period dramas as well.
mbIMG_9093Iris Apfel is a very inspiring woman to me, amazing the way she uses accessories!
I also love to make new combinations with my clothes.
Every day is a challenge for me to make a wonderful combination.
Today I wear a culotte. Because of my study (art history) I can tell you that
French aristocrats worn these trousers in the 18th Century.
After the Revolution the French people called themselves proudly sansculottes.
Bag by Maii

I ‘m not able to make my own clothes and hats. I often wear hats, so it would be great
to create my own.
In Zutphen were I live, I met hat designer Minca Nijboer (de Zutphense hoed), she
once complimented me because of  my hat. Since that time we meet now and then,
sharing our common interest.
The cap I’m wearing today is also made by Minca.”

Mariël Ellens (1959) is art historian, she lives in Zutphen.

This cap is also designed and made by Minca of
de Zutphense hoed