Delightful reunion Some years ago, during one of my first visits to the Sieraad Art Fair I saw her for the first time. Yvonne van der Houwen, a very strikingly dressed woman. Because there was no opportunity to take photos that evening, I visited her later (in 2013)...
Elegant Jacqueline Hoiting (1946) lives in Groningen. She worked as a psychotherapist till last month. Jacqueline: “The ultimate feeling of freedom after my working life is for me to be able to walk all day barefoot, without makeup in a silk slip through the...
Emilie Bouwman has not only worked as a (photo)model for years, she is a model in many ways! Career, not only as a model Emilie studied fashion training at the Vogue Studio in Amsterdam which she successfully (with honors) completed. Besides she studied art history at...
Musical Mariël Ellens (1959): “Er zit iets theatraals in mij… de hele lagere schooltijd keek ik uit naar de afscheidsmusical in de zesde klas… “Het was gebruikelijk dat de leerlingen hiervoor zelf de kleding en decors maakten. Alleen mijn...
Lenny has many hats….>>> Lenny Moeskops (1940) is a very creative woman. She can dance, act and works as a photographer as well. Besides that she designed and made a lot of hats, a selection of her collection: Lenny: “This orange hat is one of my...